IMO-NI Party🍲

?What is IMO-NI?
IMO-NI is a traditional autumn dish from the Tohoku region of Japan. It is a soup made of taro and other ingredients such as pork and carrots.
?How is IMO-NI popular?
In autumn, taro soup sets are sold at supermarkets and convenience stores. It is also common to rent a set of pots, firewood, and rush mats for IMO-NI.

?Guinness World Records!
The largest IMO-NI party in Japan has been recorded by the Guinness Book of Records as the "Most soup served in 8 hours." At this event, IMO-NI is made using an excavator.

?Conflict over true IMO-NI
Each region has its own tradition of IMO-NI. Therefore, there are factions of IMO-NI in each area, and there may or may not be conflicts...

The original article was posted by iaeste_japan_tlsc on Instagram: